Empowered to Succeed with the support of the Holy Spirit
You are not alone. The Spirit of Truth that lives inside is an advocate for your health and wellbeing. Feel the relief of opening to the Divine speaking directly to you with loving guidance. Align with patterns of living that supports your Soul essence as God intended.
Linda Grace Ki
Empowered to Succeed with the support of the Holy Spirit
You are not alone. The Spirit of Truth that lives inside is an advocate for your health and wellbeing. Feel the relief of opening to the Divine speaking directly to you with loving guidance. Align with patterns of living that supports your Soul essence as God intended.
Linda Grace Kingsbury, PhD, author, educator and consultant brings you over 40 years of wisdom and experiences to support you in living a vibrant and fulfilling life. Learn how to treat your body like a Temple of Light.
Individual consultations with kinesiology muscle testing to refine your holistic health needs.
Specializing in herbs for emotional and spiritual health with local organic and wild flower essences, gem elixirs, and herbal preparations.
Now she shares that wisdom with you through Ebooks, DIY Youtube videos. Edible and Medicinal Wild Herb Id
Individual consultations with kinesiology muscle testing to refine your holistic health needs.
Specializing in herbs for emotional and spiritual health with local organic and wild flower essences, gem elixirs, and herbal preparations.
Now she shares that wisdom with you through Ebooks, DIY Youtube videos. Edible and Medicinal Wild Herb Identification and Medicine Making classes available in person in New England and online.
Click here for latest class video
Individual Sessions & Courses to Navigate Todays World with Ease and Grace
As one who may often feel too sensitive for the world, guidance from a kindred spirit who has traveled that path is encouraging.
Specializing in support for highly sensitive people to establish your Divine presence and accomplish your Divine purpose on earth.
Individual Sessions & Courses to Navigate Todays World with Ease and Grace
As one who may often feel too sensitive for the world, guidance from a kindred spirit who has traveled that path is encouraging.
Specializing in support for highly sensitive people to establish your Divine presence and accomplish your Divine purpose on earth.
Buy Empath Wellness books here
Click here for upcoming classes